We have been experimenting with teaching Resonance Repatterning online to reach people who cannot attend seminars in person – either they live abroad or have families they cannot leave or want the convenience of studying RR in bite-size pieces in the comfort of their own home. And it’s been a success!

Now we are combining another option

I have just created the new ENERGETICS HOME STUDY COURSE. In this video training I give you all the information that I used to give in the seminar – but more, because I have the time to expand on each aspect.

ANYONE is welcome to take the Energetics Home Study Course

It has fascinating information that helps us understand the energetics of our relationships – even for those who haven’t studied Resonance Repatterning. And the first three sections are free of charge!

And then we have the ENERGETICS SEMINAR, which is part 2 of the course – and can be taken online or in person. Here we go deeply into all the Energetics Repatternings.

We have changed the requirements
for attending the in-person or online ENERGETICS SEMINAR.

YOU MAY ATTEND part 2 – the SEMINAR – if

You have attended the Five Elements and Meridian seminar (in person or online)

You have taken the INNER CULTIVATION HOME STUDY COURSE (For Certification and Advanced Practitioner Certification you will need to take part 2: the Inner Cultivation seminar as well as part 1: the Home Study Course.)

You have completed the ENERGETICS HOME STUDY COURSE.

RE-TAKERS: the online Energetics seminar is starting at the end of January 2017. Ardis Ozborn is organizing it and says there are great discounted specials for early bird re-takers! We are looking forward to a wonderful seminar!