Our origins

“When we recognize we have a problem we take the first move toward change”


The original founder of Resonance Repatterning® Chloe Faith Wordsworth was lucky enough to be raised by extraordinary parents interested in organic farming, naturopathic medicine, homeopathy & creative education. She grew up in the English countryside.  Being fascinated by healing she went on to study with some of the greats in the field of energy medicine: Dr. Randolph Stone (creator of Polarity Therapy) J.R. Worsely (key in bringing the ancient Five Element System of Chinese Acupuncture to the West) Moshe Feldenkrais (re-educating the brain & body through movement).  Dr. Upledger, (first doctor to teach Cranial Sacral to the non-medical public), Ann Wigmore and Mary Burmeister and many more.

Chloe went on to run a Traditional Acupuncture practice and in this practice recognized the power of sound, colour, light, movement, breath, essential oils & energy contacts, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Acupuncture, Chakra balancing & left-right brain integration. From the Spiral Up book was born followed by. The launch of Resonance Repatterning® (previously Holographic Repatterning) in the 1980’s. In 2021 Chloe moved to England, and retired, where she continues to focus on updating her existing books under Resonance Publishing. She then passed the Resonance Repatterning® International Institute to Dr Suzanne Ravenall, a long time practitioner and teacher of Resonance Repatterning®.

Susanne Ravenall’s bio