In part 1 of our March Newsletter

I shared some life-saving information on magnesium – a mineral that has been called “the lamp of life” and what one medical doctor calls “the most important mineral to human beings and all other living organisms.”

In part 2 of this JUNE Newsletter

we will see what we can do to avoid being one of the 80% of the population that is deficient in magnesium and also avoid the symptoms in the following list that are associated with magnesium deficiency.

Scroll down for the symptom or information that interests you:
1. Fatigue and exhaustion
2. Anxiety and panic attacks
3. Aging
4. Memory
5. Diabetes and energy
6. Depression
7. Dementia
8. Parkinson’s
9. Alzheimer’s
10. Macula Degeneration of the eyes
11. Migraine
12. Foods and drinks that deplete magnesium
13. Drugs causing magnesium deficiency
14. 600 References for what magnesium is most effective in helping
15. Magnesium-rich foods
16. Dr. Dean’s picometer magnesium supplement and how to take it
17. Magnesium oil for the skin
18. Epsom salt baths 19. Why certain magnesium supplements may not be good or should be avoided
20. Contra-indications for magnesium supplements
21. Testing for Magnesium deficiency!

1. Fatigue and exhaustion

ATP is the energy molecule created in the mitochondria of our millions of cells. Without the proper functioning of ATP we become tired or exhausted. ATP is produced through eight steps of the Kreb’s cycle. Six of these steps require magnesium. Without magnesium, ATP is not produced. In addition, ATP must be bound to a magnesium ion in order to become biologically active.

2. Anxiety and panic attacks

A lack of magnesium causes the adrenal glands to more easily trigger an exaggerated adrenaline response. In addition, adrenaline depletes magnesium supplies in the body.

Type A personalities who live on adrenaline, time pressures and stress, drain their magnesium stores. This may lead to muscle spasms, back pain, leg cramps, chest pain and irritability.

Magnesium calms the nervous system, relaxes muscle tension, lowers the pulse rate and helps to reduce anxiety.

4.    Memory

Research at MIT produced a study showing that magnesium is a memory enhancer.
Brain receptors for learning and memory depend on magnesium.

5.   Diabetes and energy

Magnesium regulates the production of insulin and allows insulin to transfer glucose into cells for the production of energy. Magnesium also helps overcome insulin resistance and seven of the ten enzymes required for metabolizing glucose are dependent on Magnesium.

6.    Depression

The National Institute of Health (NIH) states that depression – along with a sense of worthlessness, loss of interest in life, apathy, nervousness, tremors, suicidal thoughts and stress-induced depression – often results when magnesium levels are dangerously low. Stress depletes cellular magnesium stores.

Depression is associated with serotonin deficiency, which depends on magnesium for its production and proper functioning, both in the brain and small intestines.

Magnesium deficiency in the brain makes people susceptible to allergens, which can cause symptoms similar to mental illness.

Magnesium Chloride has been successfully used with bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s, ADHD (with magnesium baths) and Autism.

7.    Dementia

Dr. Dean writes that dementia can be caused by magnesium depletion alone. A strong statement! For instance low levels of magnesium in the brain can be caused by the over-use of diuretics (to control high blood pressure). Large doses of intravenous magnesium have reversed seizures, coma, psychosis and delirium — sometimes associated with dementia.

8.    Parkinson’s

A man with severe symptoms from Parkinson’s was barely functional: he couldn’t talk, was drooling and experienced rage and violence. His caretakers applied Magnesium Chloride oil three times daily. Within a few days, and for the first time in two years, he washed his own face and the drooling stopped. Soon he was able to string two or three words together: another first.

Parkinson’s disease is associated with low concentrations of magnesium in the cortex, basal ganglia and the brain stem. Parkinson’s is also associated with a deficiency of Dopamine – a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centers, regulates movements and emotional responses. Dopamine motivates us to go into action to achieve what gives us pleasure. Magnesium is required in the production of dopamine.

Parkinson’s may also be related to inflammation of nerve cells in the brain. Inflammation can be caused by calcium deposits in the brain. Balancing the ratio of calcium to magnesium to a 1:1 ratio is important. Many people in the USA have a ratio of 10:1 calcium to magnesium and some people even have a 15:1 ratio. This excess of calcium is a serious problem (not only for those with Parkinson’s, but also for those with osteoporosis, heart problems, tight muscles, joint problems and kidney stones, etc.).

Several studies have shown that calcium and aluminum levels were elevated in the brains of those with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

If magnesium levels are low in the brain, heavy metals gain access more easily. Magnesium protects brain cells from damage by heavy metals such as aluminum, beryllium, cadmium, lead, mercury and nickel.

If there are sufficient magnesium stores, aluminum will not be absorbed. But using aluminum pots, aluminum anti-perspirants, aluminum foil and tap water with high levels of aluminum should be avoided to prevent buildup of aluminum in the brain.

For anyone with Parkinson’s, it is highly recommended to read Dr. Dean’s The Magnesium Miracle, as the above summary does not cover all aspects of this disease or Dr. Dean’s dietary suggestions.

9.    Alzheimer’s

Dr. Abram Hoffer states that what is assumed to be Alzheimer’s may be dementias caused by dehydration and prescription drugs. Many older people are taking a minimum of eight different prescription drugs, some of which, like antihistamines, barbiturates, diuretics, psychotropic drugs and chlorpromazine, can worsen Alzheimer symptoms.

Chemicals and toxic metals like mercury and aluminum are associated with Alzheimer’s. Dr. Haley proved that the tangles and plaques in the Alzheimer’s brain are identical to those produced by mercury poisoning. Mercury can be absorbed into the brain from dental amalgams, mercury-contaminated fish and flu shots, which are preserved with mercury.

Atmospheric scientist William Grant discovered that acid rain increases levels of aluminum in trees and makes them age prematurely. He found that people with Alzheimer’s have reduced amounts of alkaline metals such as magnesium and potassium that neutralize or buffer acidity in the body.

Protein, fat and sugar are highly acid-forming and need more alkaline minerals like magnesium to buffer and eliminate the acids.

The island of Guam, which has extremely low levels of magnesium and calcium in the soil, has the highest incidence for all neurological diseases.

Calcium and heavy metals, such as mercury, aluminum and lead etc., deposited in the brain cause inflammation. Magnesium blocks the entry of heavy metals into the brain and is crucial for their removal. It is also essential for ensuring that calcium is deposited in the bones and teeth rather than soft tissues, muscles, organs and the brain.

10.    Macula degeneration of the eyes

Magnesium keeps calcium soluble in the bloodstream and ensures that calcium is deposited in the bones and teeth rather than in the soft tissue of muscles, organs and the eyes. If the macula of the eyes becomes calcified by excess calcium deposits, it can cause inflammation and degeneration unless there is sufficient magnesium.

11.    Migraines

There is a proven connection between migraines and magnesium deficiency. One study of 3000 migraine patients showed that 90% of those with low magnesium ion levels improved with magnesium supplementation.

12.    Food and drinks that deplete magnesium

Alcohol is a diuretic that causes loss of magnesium in the urine. More than seven drinks a week causes a magnesium deficiency..

Caffeine: The diuretic effect of caffeine depletes magnesium and causes the adrenals to spike, which leads to magnesium loss.

High protein diets: More magnesium is required to digest a high protein diet. When protein breaks down it produces homocysteine (which oxidizes cholesterol that in turn damages blood vessels). The enzymes involved in breaking down homocysteine are all magnesium dependent.

High fruit diets: Magnesium is needed for metabolizing fruit sugar. But as fruit contains small amounts of magnesium, and as long as green leafy vegetables, seeds, nuts, sea vegetables etc. are eaten, a high fruit diet is not be a problem.

Fluoride in water, toothpaste and many drugs: 
Fluoride binds magnesium, making magnesium unavailable to the body. As an insoluble compound, magnesium-fluoride replaces magnesium in bone and cartilage creating a brittle unstable crystalline substance.

Because fluoride binds to magnesium so it is not available, magnesium cannot send calcium from the blood to the bones and teeth, resulting in weak bones and tooth enamel.

Most of Europe has banned fluoride in water supplies. For more information see the Fluoride Action Network website. It is wise to avoid fluoride water, toothpaste and even drugs that contain fluorine as a way to prolong the half-life of the drug in the body.

Mercury toxicity from fish, dental amalgams, flu shots, etc: Mercury drastically increases the excretion of magnesium and calcium from the kidneys. Magnesium also helps detoxify this dangerous metal.

Soda-electrolyte drinks and exercise: 
Sweating – whether from exercise, dry saunas or working in the heat – depletes magnesium. Athletes who drink soda-electrolyte drinks need to check the contents. Often sodas and so-called electrolyte drinks contain mostly sodium and sugar, rather than magnesium. Athletes would be wise to take a picometer magnesium supplement as a serious deficiency of magnesium is related to heart failure. It is not unusual for athletes in the peak of condition to use up their store of magnesium (either in the stress of their sport or even after a heart stress test) and to suddenly die at a young age from a heart attack.

Excess of the hormone known as vitamin D: Over-use of a Vitamin D supplement can lead to a serious magnesium deficiency and an excess of calcium in the blood where it causes calcification of blood vessels and other soft tissues. Symptoms may include seizures, kidney stones, migraines, palpitation, angina, anxiety, high blood pressure and pain and stiffness in joints and muscles.

Magnesium is needed to transform Vitamin D from its storage form to its active form. Dr. Dean advises to avoid Vitamin D supplements unless taking a magnesium supplement and only to take a maximum of 1000-20000 IUs of Vitamin D 3 daily.

Vitamin K2 helps bring calcium to the bones. We create vitamin K2 in the gastrointestinal tract from vitamin K1, which is found in magnesium-rich leafy green vegetables.

Raw spinach and chard
bind to magnesium to form oxalic acid, which prevents magnesium and other minerals from being absorbed. When lightly cooked or steamed, the oxalic acid is removed.

Magnesium blocked by certain foods: Tannin in tea removes a certain amount of magnesium from the body. Bitter teas – whether black or green tea – are best avoided if one has symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Phytic acid found in the hulls of seeds and grains can form insoluble compounds with magnesium and other minerals. If grains and seeds are soaked for eight hours it removes the phytic acid. Fermented soy (miso and tempeh) reduces soy’s phytic acid levels.

13. Drugs and magnesium deficiency

Dr. Mildred Seelig M.D. discovered that drugs create acidity, which then draws on reserves of magnesium to neutralize or buffer the acid and minimize their toxic side-effects.

Many drugs deplete the body’s store of magnesium. For instance, diuretics for high blood pressure, birth control pills, corticosteroids for asthma, fluoride-based drugs, insulin, nicotine, acid-reflex drugs, statins for cholesterol, antibiotics and pain killers – deplete magnesium and potassium and may leave an individual open to heart arrhythmias or other magnesium-deficient illnesses.

14.   Thousands of references for magnesium effectiveness

Over thousands references confirm that magnesium is effective in ADHD, fibromyalgia, hearing loss, obesity, pain, PMS, irritable bowel syndrome, autism, muscular spasms and hardening of muscles, alcoholism, asthma, cystic fibrosis and many other diseases. 

Since 2014, 12,000 studies have been completed on magnesium and Dr. Bella and Burton Altura in the USA have spent forty years researching magnesium in more than 1000 studies. Researchers know the importance of magnesium for our health and its involvement in most disease conditions BUT we need to be educated on magnesium-rich foods, the best magnesium supplements and certain magnesium supplements we need to avoid.

15.   Magnesium-rich foods

Green leafy vegetables, cilantro, sea vegetables such as dulse, kelp, Alaria and Laver (the purest source that I use is from MAINE SEA VEGETABLES: 207.565.2907 or, cacao powder, garlic, dandelion, almonds, walnuts, cashews, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, buckwheat, millet, quinoa (soak grains, nuts and seeds for 8 hours before cooking or eating to get rid of the phytic acid). Many other fruits and vegetables have small amounts of magnesium.

16.   Dr. Dean’s picometer magnesium supplement

Re-Mag and how to take it. ReMag, developed by Dr. Dean, is a picometer, stabilized ionic magnesium. A unique process transforms magnesium chloride into a stabilized magnesium ion state. This allows the stabilized ions to be completely absorbed at the cellular level, rather than being bound to another substance.

Dr Dean encourages people to start supplementation with Re-Mag slowly.

  • You can add 1/4 teaspoon or 30 drops to 32 ozs of water and sip throughout the day.
  • If you have chronic fatigue or adrenal stress, you may want to start with 10 drops and increase slowly.
  • She also recommends you add 1/4 teaspoon of Himalayan/sea salt to the 32 ozs of water (see Chloe’s BLOG for the archived article on this special crystal salt).
  • After seeing how you respond (or not), you can increase to ½ teaspoon one time daily.
  • The idea is to take a minimum of 600 mg of magnesium daily according to how you respond and your need

See Amazon for Dr. Carolyn Dean’s picometer stabilized magnesium that is 100% absorbed at the cellular level and does not have a laxative effect (if you avoid taking it in excess).

Dr. Dean says that it may take a year or more to build up your magnesium stores in the muscles and bones – especially with chronic conditions. So be patient. Please remember that magnesium in not a drug. It is a nutrient found in healthy organic foods!

17.    Magnesium Oil on the skin

You can massage magnesium oil into your arms, legs and wherever you have pain. It is a little sticky, but after about 30 minutes you can take a shower and wash it off. Many people get dramatic results simply by taking magnesium into the body through the skin. See ANCIENT MINERALS: this magnesium oil comes from the Zechstein sea – a geological formation that is 250 million years old and found at a depth of 1600-2000 meters beneath the earth’s crust.

18.    Epsom salt baths – another form of magnesium

Epsom salt baths and footbaths are renowned for relaxing tense and painful muscles.

19. Why certain magnesium supplements may not be good

If you take magnesium chloride supplement, only about 4% is absorbed into the cells and it has a laxative effect. However, hospitals use an IV of magnesium chloride after someone has a heart attack – which is known to save lives if done soon enough. But magnesium chloride is an inactive magnesium complex where magnesium is bound to proteins or other substances.

Magnesium oxide is highly laxative.

Magnesium aspartate is toxic and should be avoided.

An IV of magnesium sulfate may cause an allergic reaction to sulfur or aluminum.

20.   Contra-indications for magnesium supplements

Dr. Dean states that there are only four contra-indications to taking a magnesium supplement: kidney failure, myasthenia gravis, excessively slow heart beat and bowel obstruction. In these cases it would be best to contact Dr. Dean directly for her advice as she has successfully used magnesium in the above cases. But in such cases you would need a medical doctor’s advice.

21.   Testing for magnesium deficiency

Magnesium must remain at a certain level to maintain vital functions such as keeping the heart beating. When levels drop in the blood serum, magnesium is pulled out of bones and muscles. As a result, blood tests of magnesium can appear to be normal.

The ionized mg blood test is the best, but is only available to researchers, not the general public.

The serum magnesium test is highly inaccurate, but is the standard test used in hospitals, clinics and in most clinical trials.

Magnesium RBC is another inaccurate test.

If our symptoms indicate a possible deficiency of magnesium we can decide if we want to eat more magnesium-rich foods and/or take a supplement. Dr. Dean states that it is impossible to over-dose on magnesium as any excess is eliminated in the urine and feces. And researchers have shown that 80% of the population is deficient in magnesium!

For more information on Dr. Dean’s Reset Program:

​​​​​​​ and

You can also purchase these products on Amazon, 

For detailed information on magnesium in relation to numerous diseases – such as osteoporosis, sudden cardiac death and heart disease – it is essential that you read Dr. Carolyn Dean’s book Magnesium Miraclefrom which the information for this Newsletter has been gleaned and summarized for easy access.

*I do not make any profit on products mentioned in this article.

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